In Hawaii, the word Aloha carries deep cultural significance. It’s said to convey feelings of joy, happiness, and abundance, symbolizing a connection between all of life’s energy.
Aloha has its own unique mana (energy) which is believed to flow through each individual heart. As such, it is said that no Hawaiian can offer another a sincere greeting of Aloha unless they are able to feel it in their own heart first.
So what does Aloha mean?
Alo means “presence” by itself, the word for “breath” has a long A (hā), as Ha represents the meaning “breath of life” or “essence of life.” It’s fun to say and brings you into the fold of being here in Hawaii.
Where did Aloha come from?
The native Hawaiian people started using the word “Aloha” as a simple greeting when you meet or leave. There has also been the idea that one had to recognize “Life” was everywhere such as in the trees, flowers, land, ocean, fish, and birds and this energy represented “Aloha.”
How should I use the word Aloha?
Is aloha Hello or Goodbye? YES! Replace both “hello” and “goodbye” often accompanied by a shaka. You can also use it to reference the general positive vibe that the people and land give off. Aloha is often used to describe someone who is kind, generous, joyful, and present.
What do you reply to aloha?
How do you respond to aloha? Smile and say aloha back.
What about other languages?
Though other languages have synonyms that can come close, nothing really translates to Aloha. It’s a unique word with more meaning than we can describe here.
Spanish: Hola and Adiós – These words are commonly used to greet someone, as well as to bid them farewell.
French: Bonjour and Au revoir – Both of these terms convey a warm welcome or goodbye, depending on the context in which they are used.
German: Hallo and Auf Wiedersehen – While Hallo is often used casually for hello, Auf Wiedersehen conveys a more formal goodbye.
Italian: Ciao and Arrivederci – Ciao can be used both in informal situations to say hello, as well as to say goodbye when departing from one another’s company. Arrivederci is a more formal way of saying goodbye, but can also be used in more casual settings between close friends or family members.
Japanese: Konnichiwa and Sayonara – Konnichiwa translates directly to “Good afternoon” but has been adapted to mean “hello” in general conversation. Sayonara is considered the most polite way of saying goodbye in Japanese culture and is reserved for more formal occasions such as leaving work or school at the end of the day.
What other Hawaiian words can I use while on the Hawaiian Islands?
Mahalo is a good one to use. It means Thank You and should be used on a regular basis.
Kapu – This one could use it’s own blog post, and we’ll get working on it. If you see a sign or here that an area is Kapu, then you don’t go there. It’s forbidden by the community, either because it’s dangerous, private property, sacred, or a combination of all. Respect the land and the people.
Mauka and Makai. These are good to know when getting directions. Mauka means towards the mountains. Makai means towards the ocean.